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Manish Gupta

Elon Musk's Nueralink's Monkey A Scientific Marvel


Pager a macaque may only be nine years old but will go down in history as a scientific marvel.  This is because he signed up for an interesting experiment which turned out to be an enormous sucess.

He signed up to have a nueralink placed in each side of his brain near his motor cortex which control his arm movements. He had already learnt how to interact with a computer as he was rewarded with a tasty banana smoothie (he likes smoothies).  The researchers could interact with nueralinks placed in his brain using an iphone.

Researchers were able to collect data and predict his intended movements by reading signals from the nueralinks.  The result was that he was able to play Mind Pong without  a joystick using only his mind (he likes video games).

This has huge implications for people  with paralysis who could use their mind to control a computer or a phone in the future.  And from thereon probably other things like prosthetic arm or leg.  Still in the monkey world this is Yooge!

Please see the embedded video from YouTube below:

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