Dackeree - A Humble Social Network

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Bhavana Gupta

I am a mother of two kids.


I am a mother of two kids. One who can be classified as an introvert and another a complete opposite, an extrovert. In most social settings, my son would take the center stage whilst my daughter would cheer him on from the sidelines. 

The well-meaning people would comment that she is so quiet. Again and again and again. I heard is as, “you need to do something about her”. And in her mind and in her heart, she felt, “there is something wrong with me”.

In my course of life, I have met many quiet people. In the form of my bosses, my peers, my direct reports, friends, strangers. I have also had extroverts who have found me to be quiet. This got me thinking more.

Recently, I picked up the book “Quiet” by Susan Caine. It is a great read for everyone. For extroverts to not view introversion as a handicap and for introverts to know the power of their silence. For organisations to not expect that a primary trait for a leader is to always be gregarious and for parents to nurture those in their care.

"The next time you see a person with a composed face and a soft voice, remember that inside {his} her mind {he} she might be solving an equation, composing a sonnet, designing a hat. {He} She might, that is, be deploying the powers of quiet."

For as much as the world needs entertainers and performers, it also equally needs an audience.

With this post, I would like to encourage us to share books or authors that have inspired or energized us.


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