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Bhavana Gupta

Multi or Single-tasking - Take your pick.


I took tremendous pride in my ability to multi-task. On the brink of sounding like a narcissist, I would tell myself that I am the queen of multi-tasking.

Recently, a friend of mine told me that multitasking is impossible. My son, who was listening in chipped in to tell me that what I am doing is task switching. I did not buy into those arguments. I am a multi-tasker. This is my strength. It makes me productive, effective, and I feel good.

Multi-tasking took another meaning and reached another level when I started working from home. Now, there were additional tasks and an opportunity for me to master this skill even more. Juggle more and more. That should have made me happier.

But, it did not. I felt so drained and tired. I did some research on the topic of multi-tasking. I was fighting what the world of the internet and experts were telling me again and again. And, then I decided to give it a try. One task at a time. It was not easy and I still falter but I have noticed that I breathe better.

“There’s even a phenomenon called “email apnea,” where multitasking office workers breathe irregularly and shallowly — or even hold their breath — for half a minute or more while glued to their devices.” ~ Kira Newman 

If you still don’t believe in the benefits of single-tasking, here is an activity to try.

Do share your results J

You probably won’t have to finish both tasks before realizing that it’s taking you a hell of a lot more time to get through it when you’re switching back and forth.

Breathe right and feel better,


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