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Manish Gupta

Nasdaq is up, Nifty is down, Why?


But this can change anytime.

Nasdaq made a peak of 14,095 on 12 Feb 2021 and after a quick and brutal 10.5% correction is again nearing its peak now standing at 13,996 just 0.7% off(1).

From Google:

Nifty50 on the other hand made a peak of 15,314 on 15 Feb 2021 (3 days after Nasdaq peak) and has never really recovered since then. The Nifty made a low of 14,310 just two days ago. This is about 6.5% off still(2).

From Google:

This is somewhat unusual as global markets move together. The reason could be the resurgence of Covid in India. The daily new cases were around 9,139 on 15 Feb and now at 160,694 (3) or up about 17.5x (looking like returns on a Tech PE fund).

So the conclusion from this numerical analysis can be that for the time being Nasdaq and Nifty 50 are not correlated. On the other hand case load daily change is in competition with returns on a Tech PE Fund (both positively correlated)...

From Worldometer:


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